Friday, December 30, 2011

Holiday Away

Swan River - taken by me, with my phone (it's so awesome)

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and soon, will have a good New Year's. I was away for Christmas. Went to Perth for my cousin's wedding and stayed for Christmas over there. Sad I couldn't spend it together with the boy. But two trips to the beach and my cousin's wedding pretty much kept me occupied. Damn, the waves are huge and the water is freezing! Amazing. Because most of the time you're baking under the sun, with max's of 34 degrees and then you go for a dip and it's ice cold. Which felt so damn good. Plus, it's a real workout walking on the beach. Yes, just walking on the beach is a task. And then there's the whole ride-the-waves part. It's actually a workout in disguise of a super awesome fun time.
I'll have to post some beach photos soon, definitely next year because I'm too in the mood for doing nothing at the moment.

Anyway I just wanted to do a quick list of stuff I need to get for the New Year.
-CD albums; Foo Fighters' Wasting Light and Adele's 21. (I heard most of Adele's songs on my flight to Perth and they were all so good.)
-a full-time job. (haha, but really though)

And then there are New Year's Resolutions (yes, I just wanna fit in sometimes.)
-lose the goddamn weight. (I have been eating non-stop since I got to Perth, it's crazy.)
-play more piano. Hog that thing.
-write more letters.
-make my house a nicer and cozier place to live in.

That's all I can think of so far.. Oh, and I got back my developed photos so I'll be scanning those soon too.
One more thing, check out The Decemberists' new album The King is Dead. I'm hooked on this song Don't Carry It All.

Happy New Year!
 (if I don't check-in here in time)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hustle and Cuss

I surprise myself every time by the amount of cussing I get up to in the car when I'm driving. When I finally reach my destination, I end up feeling guilty about what I just called that driver who cut into my lane without using the signal lights. It's somewhat automatic. I don't cuss so much when I'm anywhere else. As soon as I get into my car and drive off into the abyss that is city traffic, my mind (and mouth) just bursts with profanities.

I know how people say girls make themselves look bad when they start swearing but I can't help it, really. 

I just read this post about patience. Nate Green says his dog taught him to be more patient and made him take a step back and enjoy the breeze, away from technology. I should try walking my dogs some time. Maybe.

*Hustle and Cuss by The Dead Weather


Sunday, December 11, 2011

To learn

I forgot how amazing tea can taste. (Falling sick, so.) Not that I've not been having tea for such a long time. Japanese and Korean dinners call for green tea. And I had both this week, spoiled girl that I am. Plus, I just got a new phone. A 'smartphone'. Ironic name cos it makes me feel silly, hooked on it for hours on end. And then I felt really bad because I haven't been posting anything here. So to end the dry spell, I've decided to do a post in reply to Goodnight Little Spoon's post. Yeah, because I'm so creative. Creativity bursting from every crevice of my body. 

I realize how much it looks like Bianca's but I can't help but want to learn the same things.
Plus, came across this chilled out song this morning. (Krissy makes awesome mixes, by the way.)


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I wish I lived in the scene

Just refreshed my memory of this song. Ahh 90s music. I miss it so damn much. The videos are already known classics. (Sorry no references because I'm just taking a shot in the dark, really). Anyways, what I remember from the 90s and noughties where my friends and I immersed ourselves into 90s music, is the grunge and rock stuff. My brother heavily influenced my taste back then. Lots of Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Mother Love Bone, Soundgarden, Nirvana. The whole Seattle grunge rock scene. It broke my heart when Soundgarden broke up. And then so did Alice in Chains. I could go on, but I'm afraid I might come off as a snobby music fan who says "This is real music, man." (No offence to those who are offended yeah)

Anyway, feast your earmuffs.

Grunge will always be relevant in my life. Always.
For more awesome stuff (photos, songs, history lesson) visit Senseless.


Friday, December 2, 2011

make me better

Before I go on: Sorry for having this post look like you accidentally clicked on my Tumblr, but I couldn't help myself. I'm weak.
Okay, now that that's out of the way, I just had to talk about this girl Krissy, she's awesome. I'm sure if we met, we'd get along pretty well, awkward silences in tow. She posts weekly music mixes (I think) and they're a joy to listen to. Refreshing. Also, she has a tumblr, and that's where I found all these awesome pictures/photos. Some are just a reminder to myself to keep creating stuff and others are just pretty.

נכון סיוטים







Okay, this one was too good to leave out of the bunch.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

additional houseguests

Recently I found myself really wanting to have a cat in the house. I surprised myself, too. I remember always hating cats but I don't know. It could be all the youtube videos and tumblr memes of cats. Kittens are just too adorable. I hope some day the boy agrees to let me have a little kitty, and not just a (imaginary) hedgehog.

And then the other day, I caught a stray cat walk into my house and it just scared me. And now I'm not sure if I'm really ready to have a little animal in the house walking about wherever it pleases. I'm so afraid of the commitment and extra work I have to put in to take care of this little adorable creature. Some day. Definitely. 

In the meantime, here's another video to melt your heartstrings.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011




My friends and family keep asking me, "How was your trip/holiday?" All I say is "Good! Great! Very nice!" But really, these few days (and also some days when I was in Hong Kong) I catch myself wanting to go back to Phuket. I keep picturing my friends and I on our rented bikes, on the road, trying hard to blend in with the locals (even in the way we ride), on the way to the beach. All I would want to do more of is be at the beach. Just sit there. I don't care, I'd just rent one damn umbrella. That's probably where all my money would go to if ever I went back to Phuket. I can't explain it though. My Phuket experience was fairly normal. I didn't think the island-hopping and the outdoorsy-adventure-elephant trekking tours were good but somehow I miss it. I guess it's the beach and the streets. I felt like I had everything I'd want there. Grocery shops in abundance, a shopping mall for when I feel rich, a beach. A whole damn beach. Walking distance. Walking. Distance. Everywhere is walking distance. I think that's what I loved about being there. No need to drive, if it's raining, take a tuk-tuk. Life is so simple. I wouldn't mind settling down there.
I'm such a dreamer I disgust myself. God, I need to get back to reality before someone shoots me down and then I bleed and die.


What the -

I wish I was the one who created these jaw-dropping, hard-to-believe-it's-a-collage images.

{all images sourced from here}

Yep. All you need is paper and archival paste. And some bad ass cut-round-the-edges skills. So far, Beth Hoeckel is at the top of the bad ass list. 


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Rainbows and butterflies

new project

new project part 2

So happy with myself this week. Started a new "project" so this is a sneak preview. I'm giving it to someone so I can't wait to finish it :) Hope that person likes it. All kinds of goodness happening this week. Tomorrow there's Busco's EP Launch, Thursday I'm meeting up with a girlfriend for lunch, and Saturday it's Halfway Kings' party gig show! So exciting this week is.

I uploaded Hong Kong photos onto Facebook but I'll try and put up some of my favorites here soon (after I edit them to look prettier).


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hiatus broken

Wow. I've only gotten one post aside from this one for November. Very bad. This past two weeks just flew by and whenever I found myself on the internet I just wasn't feeling as inspired as I used to be. I didn't reblog or post much of anything on Tumblr which is considered out of the ordinary already.
Anyways here I am again. Like I said, it's been a blur. I went to Phuket for four days and then on to Hong Kong for 6 days. Crazy. My feet are numb from all the walking, really. Whenever I'm on holiday, my feet aren't.
Highlights: Spending quality time with friends, in Phuket and Hong Kong. It doens't come often so this was like a bonus for me. So good for the soul, really. Makes you appreciate the little time you have with the people you love.
Lowlight: I forgot to bring along my mp3 player so I was stuck with my own thoughts throughout my flight to Hong Kong. For almost 4 hours, and I couldn't sleep much either. It's like being awake with a nightmare.
Lots of photos taken. Honestly, I don't know when I'll get to them. Have to work tomorrow and Friday. Ah, the taste of working a 5-day week. Gonna be bitter.
Promise I'll be back asap.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011



Adeline shared this song Slippery Slope and I thought it would fit well at a Halloween party.
Plus, I feel like I'm on a slippery slope to not keeping up to my own goals in life. It's crunch time, seriously.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Here's my attempt at posting photos of myself. Smiling (of a sort).

Hopped out to the mall for a bit to buy cookies for the bro. Did a sideways French braid and it turned out pretty good (hence me posting it up).





window view

peace & love

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Back in the day

It's Sunday and it just screams "Do Something Fun Now!" to me. Anyway, I was going through old photos and came across these two. Many (and I do mean a whole lotta many) years ago, for the weekend, my godfather (sounds so gangsta, affectionately called 'Godpa'), among other outdoorsy activities, brought me and my cousins to Genting Highlands  and we used to go for horse rides and lessons. (Whoa that's a lot of commas, sorry). It was so awesome and crazy. He's crazy. In all seriousness. Okay I'm exaggerating. I guess different people show their love in different ways.

Yes that is my younger self, concentrating on not falling off and doing it right. I forgot the name of that horse. She was so majestic. Star or Mist or Snow. Dammit. She was the best horse and I was so happy I got to ride it. (Photo credits go to my Godpa) 

 Amazing shot by Godpa. It astounds me that people took really good photographs before digital cameras were around. Amazing.
Happy Sunday. 

peace love

Friday, October 21, 2011


(source, editted)

I'm reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest now and I tend to read aloud (okay, whisper) to myself in a Southern accent. It's fun for awhile. Then I get tired and thirsty.
Last week, I finished reading The Great Gatsby and One Day. It's quite crazy because one of the characters in One Day was reading The Great Gatsby, and another was reading Nabokov's Lolita which I want to read later. 
I kinda miss reading funny romantic novels, they're harder to put down.
Overall, it's been a crazy week. Already.

peace & love

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oh my goodness. A lot can happen in a weekend. In exactly two days (okay I didn't count, I just noticed the days changed). I was looking forward to write about a lot of things here with what I saw and heard but I think I'll just say it all here.
14th October. Friday night, the eve of my Mum's convocation where she's officially a PhD graduate and just hours (minutes?) away from Saturday which would be my Godpa's birthday, 52 years old. Plans have been made. Saturday night we'll all have a big dinner, for the double celebration. Seems like it was just last year that we celebrated his 50th birthday really grandly, dinner and dance and drinks. Time passes by too fast. Sometimes it's to your advantage. Most of the time, not.
We're all in the living room, talking. Which I felt was a rare sight. The TV was off, so rare at a time like this. I guess I'm used to my Godpa's house being noisy whenever we're around. This time it was quieter. It felt like everyone just decided in their heads that they wanted to spend time with each other more, that night, than doing anything else. Topics of conversation deviate from health issues to the Japanese Occupation. Then my grandfather started singing a Japanese song, right after telling us his experiences during the occupation. I will never imagine what he went through.
Midnight comes and we sing Happy Birthday and we cut a cake and we eat some and talk some more. Very soon it's time to sleep because some of us need to wake up by 5:45 for my Mum's convocation in the morning. Everything's fine till we get home and my aunt Christine feels really ill, it's hard for her to breathe, she's asthmatic. While we were at the university, she was brought to the clinic for a dose from the nebulizer. As afternoon came, it got worse. A supposed happy day was slowly turning into a sombre one.
On a side note, my cousin was getting weird signs all day. Like they were trying to tell her something, warn her. I don't know.
As my parents decide to drive back to Seremban to get my aunt admitted into the hospital there, where they have her records, my Godpa gets a feeling that maybe they should just take her to a hospital closer by. Turns out my aunt could have not made it through the ride to Seremban. She was supposed to fly back to Perth but that's small matter now.
All of this was just so overwhelming for me. Signs and feelings and instances. I've experienced, for the first time, the significance of chance and the effects of following a gut feeling.
I was going to do a little dedication to my Mum for all her hard work. But I've already let her know how proud I am of her so I don't need some space on the web to go on about it.
What I can't say enough and will never be able to is how fortunate my whole family is because of my Godpa. I don't know what we'll do without him. I am very convinced there is no one in this world like him. I have never met anyone who is as generous and helpful as he is. As reliable. As loving. The things he does for his family just baffles me.
Right now, my aunt is breathing with the help of a ventilator. I'm just staying positive.

This weekend was hands down the worst. It's all about timing. I know I'm missing out a few details but these are all that are still in my mind.

Sorry for the long story I just needed to get it out.

Friday, October 14, 2011


I just remembered about the time my cousins and I rented an apartment by the beach. We drank alot and then went to the beach for a swim and a banana-boat ride. I remember I was finding it really hard to climb up to the boat (it's not a real wooden boat or anything, it's more of a fun-time air-filled float). I just kept falling off instead. I guess I was a little tipsy. It was so fun. I'm just glad I didn't have to see myself, though I did later (from the photos). 
Now I feel like a beach holiday. It's been too long. 

Monday, October 10, 2011


I'm not in love with what I do. Yet. But I'm trying to fall in love with it soon. It's like an arranged marriage, really. Get married first, fall in love later. I don't condone arranged marriages. Yes some end up happily ever after. And some end up in the hospital (if you know what I mean).
I would love to follow my passion but I'm not sure it's going to help pay the bills just yet.
I guess I just have to do it part-time. Life is full of part-time.

I realize I have many posts about this. I'm sorry, I'm the most indecisive person I know. From choosing what to wear to big life decisions. Somebody get me a life coach. Oh wait, I can't pay for that.

For now it's living day to day, trying to be better at my job. It definitely blows that my heart is not in it a hundred percent. I wish it was so that I don't have to be so depressed with life. Right now I feel very unfulfilled. Nothing is right, nothing is wrong. Unambitious. I don't have a clear goal. I need to work on that soon.


Saturday, October 8, 2011


I wish I wrote this.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

List fetish

Just a few things I needed to list out:
-My mum's graduation is coming up and I need to prepare a short speech at the celebration dinner. Kinda excited.

-I actually wrote something. With a pencil. And now I'm a little lazy to type it out. But I will, eventually. I need to know how many words I wrote.

-Adeline's post reminded me of the 8 past issues of NatGeo Magazine that I bought a few months back, still stashed in my moving-in box. Yes, I haven't fully unpacked. Sue me.

-Working 3 days this week. Gonna be a challenge, but definitely rewarding.

-Arrested Development is gonna be back, for another season and then a movie. Best news since I checked my final exam results!


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Images for Songs [Part Deux]

I just felt like Frenching up "two".

For Part 2, I don't have as many photos and they're all from the same photographer. I don't know I just like her style and it just goes so well with the song.

grow yourself to pieces



I just picture this girl with her secrets but I don't know how she looks like, it's all so mysterious. Yet, you believe she's real and she's there, and not some dream or imagination. You almost worship her or just the idea of her because you feel the need to believe in a higher power, somewhere. 

I guess these images help conjure the gist of the song, who knows what it actually means. I'm not into analyzing every line of the song. It's the song as a whole that I listen to, the harmony, the instruments, the melody.

Plus, Maynard James Keenan's voice is that of an angel. I really can't describe it. It's too perfect. Listen to 3 Libras and you will know what I'm talking about. (It's listen on my sidebar. Checkit!)


Kicking the Habit

(for photo source, just hover on the images. All are from flickr.)

I've been killing myself thinking about what to write lately. I know in my heart that I'm losing my touch at writing because I'm kinda hooked on watching TV shows and movies. It's like smoking, but there's no patch I can wear to try and quit. I've always been telling myself that I should stay away from the computer (internet, really) and just read a book or start writing something or explore my artsy side with collages (I have a few crazy artsy magazines with nice art at my disposal). But somehow, it never works out. I always end up not being in the mood for anything but whore out to the internet (being on Tumblr and being subscribed to so many blogs takes me on a journey to other sites, so I could be in front of the screen for 3 hours, maybe?).

And after I realize how long I spent in front of the computer, I hate myself. And in the process, I hate myself even more because I'm reading other people's writings and seeing other people's photographs and I think to myself, "Why can't I do that?" I get frustrated sometimes when I spend so much time reading other people's words when I could use that time to focus on myself but then again I feel like it's good exposure for me to be aware of what other people are doing and experiencing and talking about.

Whenever I think about doing the stuff that I want to do (and I've been talking about them alot here, too) but just don't, I know I'm the one to blame.
I'm an addict. A TV addict. I just feel I can't improve myself further because of it. I don't have a TV here but anything is just a download away on the internet. Actually being on the internet is worse than watching real TV because sometimes there is just plain ol' crap on TV which then forces you to switch it off and go do something to refresh your mind.

But with such easy access to the internet, my willpower is too weak to overcome it. I do hope I can fight it and try to moderate my internet usage. I have to check my email everyday even though I am not some media person. I'm just subscribed to websites and blogs, really. That's where my email comes in handy. Social media does not help as well. As much as I hate facebook, I find myself logging in at least once a day just to check if anyone's written on my "wall" or "liked" my link. I think I disgust myself at least once a day because of this. I am almost at complete loss as to what to do.

Yes I know there is self-help. I need to get on that. I know the perfect place.

Anyways, I am quite proud of myself in terms of being more independent. For me, it's a huge deal. I realize I depend a lot on other people and can't drive out to malls or other places by myself. But so far this year I've been better at it - going everywhere by myself. Oh and my driving, I have to say, is slowly getting more suitable for someone living in KL (okay so I'm actually staying in Subang, but I miss Cheras every other day).

I want to be better. At everything I'm into. Soon, most definitely.


Friday, September 30, 2011

Simpler Times


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Plane Ride

I love Singapore. I don't know if I can live there, but every time I take a trip down south, I decide for myself that I should settle down there. Stuff like this little skatepark just outside an MRT station across a shopping mall makes me feel like I'm in New York (though I've never been there). There are, however, too many malls but I'm sure there are nice quiet, secret, awesome places waiting to be discovered.

Okay my Singapore trip was crazy. It's my first time travelling by plane to a place for a few hours and then sleeping in the airport waiting for our early morning flight. But it was awesome. My feet hated me for it but it was worth it. I was just dead by the end of the day. I felt so dirty and was aching for a bath like a smoker aches for a cigarette in a no-smoking zone. But somehow I managed to survive not washing my hair. Just told myself to suck it and assured myself no one cared if my hair wasn't washed. Lucky for me I packed my facial wash. It felt so good washing my face and I will never take it for granted again.
That brings me to the subject of public toilets. I'm so lucky we went to Singapore for the concert and not any other place nearby because the toilets were so clean and there was enough space for me to imagine that I was at home in my bathroom brushing my teeth. It was awesome. I didn't even bother about people coming and going while I brushed my teeth (quite messily) with satisfaction.
And I think the trip would not have been as awesome if not for my two travel buds Adeline and Jonny. They kept me entertained (sometimes I just dozed off in my brain) and I helped avoid multiple time-outs (according to Adeline).

Lykke Li's concert was AMAZING! It's my first concert where I'm sitting down and far away from the stage. But it turned out damn well. The lightings and the stage setup played a good part of it. I learnt that Singaporean youth can also get a little unruly and unbecoming. Nice. A super fan actually got up on stage and freaked Lykke out abit. 
Good show. Also, I didn't know the lyrics to any of her songs, but mind you I know most of her songs. It's just that I can't make out what she's saying. So I usually make up the words. Probably not the best idea to do it at the concert, though.
Jonny took a nap during the opening song, Jerome. The opening song, really, Jon?!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rush much

Most unrelated photo for a blog post in the history of this blog. Because I just love horse photos. (source)

Woohoo I finished The Inheritance of Loss today. Just checked the dates and it's exactly one week. Awesome. Such good timing. I'm  not ready to start with Tolstoy's adulterous woman just yet so I'm just moving on to Sophie's World.
Kinda embarrassing seeing as Sophie is 10 years younger than I am but I'm only learning now what I should've learnt when I was 14. Quite sad but that's life.

Tomorrow I'll be off to Singapore for a day with Adz and Jonnyboi for a Lykke Li concert at the Esplanade hall. Should be amazing. Hope to get some fun photos. Should I lug along my Diana F+? Hmmm.
I can't believe though that I'm planning for how Adeline and I are going to get back to our place from the airport the morning after next. But it's all good. Now I know roughly how to get around town by bus. Not that I'd want to, unless I was insanely desperate. Woohooooo Diane's all grown up and more. *cue applause*

Okay I need to get packing. Need to wake up earlier than usual. Need to be super ready. Need to stay fresh. Probably gonna be the most tiring Singapore trip. Until the next, of course. Woohoooooooooo


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Read the words

OK there are just too many things on my mind that I want to do. So I'm just going to list them all down..
-Read a book
-Finish it in a week or two
-Cover some songs on the piano
-Write something, anything

So maybe I should've just wrote this on a piece of paper. But if they're here I'm compelled to actually do them and produce some results. Hopefully.
Right now, I'm reading The Inheritance of Loss. (Oh, I'm still stuck with Anna Karenin so I decided to screw it for a while and take a breather haha). I forgot how well writers of Indian descent described things. It's different. I can clearly see it in my head the scene the writer describes. I've been thinking of re-reading A Fine Balance. That was an eye-opener, a horror story. I think I first read it when I was 16 or 17. Damn.
As if I don't have any new books to read. The list is too extraordinary I don't know when I will be done with them. Right now when I think of all the books that I must have, I feel really bad because I haven't read the books that I have now. I think there're easily 20 unread books in my collection. Oh God. And I still don't have the ones that I really really want.

One is never satisfied, eh.

But that's how people keep on living because there will always be more things to live for, to fight for, to work for. The vicious cycle.

It will never be enough, what you have now. Never. We always want more and more. That's life.

Song of the day (or week): 3 Libras - A Perfect Circle


Monday, September 12, 2011

Just Move

This is my dream. But isn't it everyone else's too?


Monday, September 5, 2011

Robot Love

I just came across this short film by Spike Jonze (sponsored by Absolut Vodka, oh yeah) called I'm Here. He made it after doing Where the Wild Things Are. I just thought it to be quite a sweet coincidence because I just decided to get off the internet and start reading some old magazines I bought a while back (old as in more than a year ago so I bought it for 5 bucks). This particular one I bought, Dazed & Confused, had Tilda Swinton on the cover and I just thought it would be really interesting. And I was right. There're some awesome stuff to read in this magazine.
Anyway, there was an article about I'm Here and I thought to myself, damn I forgot to watch this the other day. So I did this ugly thing I usually don't do and that is to read a sort-of review of a movie/short film before actually watching it. It turned out to be not too bad.
About the film, I felt like it was a world where robots were made but weren't appreciated enough. I guess it's just like how some of us are today, with mobile phones and computers. We just take them for granted and when they're broken we just buy another. Maybe it could be the same for people as well. Taking others for granted because you get too comfortable with them and expect them to 'perform' a certain way, at a certain level.
I think Andrew Garfield (mainly his voice) was the perfect fit. Just perfect.
Sometimes I prefer not to over think on the message of a movie/short film.
I'm Here is about love. Robot love.


My own Shark Week

shark feed at north horn

I know it's not shark week or anything but this shouldn't be talked about only during shark week. Something needs to be done. I want to be a part of something, anything, to help stop this.

I just watched in horror a video of Gordon Ramsay's show on shark-finning. I couldn't do much but just burst into tears, shamelessly. I didn't want to finish watching it but I forced myself. I have already stopped eating shark's fin soup for many years (I'm gonna guess around 10) and even now when they tell me "Oh, it's fake, it's just crab meat. There's no shark's fin in this soup, really", I respectfully decline.
What I didn't realize is that in China/Taiwan/Hong Kong/China towns around the world, there are restaurants who serve real shark's fin soup for a fortune. And people pay with mouths wide open.
I don't know for sure but Ramsay says the shark's fin soup doesn't taste special at all. There's no real taste. What you're probably tasting is the soup and the shark's fin could be just a piece of any other meat or just plain noodles for all you know.
The worst part is when Ramsay (invading personal space, I have to admit) asked the customers about the inhumane practice of shark-finning, they just plainly said they did not understand the situation. Basically, they just admitted on television that they were a couple of ignorant people. But in this case I have to say ignorance is not bliss.
There are shops out there who are selling thousands of sharks' fins. Thousands.
These sharks, even baby sharks, are just finned and thrown back to sea to die. Because it's not worth it to have the whole body of the shark. People need to survive and this is how they make their money.
But it's definitely one of the worst ways to earn a living. I cringe watching on video. I can't imagine how Ramsay could just be right there watching them fin these defenseless creatures - alive, their poor bodies are still moving after their fins are cut off - then throw them back into the water, blood-drained and all.
I wish shark-finning would be made illegal. Banned. But then I know, in my heart, that it won't stop this atrocity. Just like drugs. People still get a hold of them. Just like alcohol in the 20s. Moonshine.
I'm very afraid shark's fin soup is going to be another 'moonshine'. My idealistic side is hoping this can be stopped and forgotten forever. To hell with tradition and what-not. Your ancestors are dead and gone. Deal with it. Create new traditions and memories for goodness' sake. Damn.
Please stop eating shark's fin soup. I'm feeling bad enough that I'm finding it hard to give up fish and chicken sometimes.
I'm feeling mighty useless right now.


Sunday, September 4, 2011


Here's to a good and productive Sunday. Sending positive love-filled vibrations out to the world.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

mission statement

I have a mission for Sunday: CHORES. I am going to do some serious housework tomorrow if that's the last thing I do. 
How dramatic was that?

Anyway I was just thinking about how I always neglect taking care of myself because of the worst reason in the world. I'm lazy. Yes. I'm actually lazy to slap on some moisturizer after a bath, sometimes. And sometimes, after taking off my makeup (which is such a feat for me), I forget to put on some moisturizer. It's always that moisturizer factor. And I have grown quite tired of me being so uninterested in myself. If I'm not interested in myself, how am I going to expect anyone else to be? I don't mean I want to attract boys or anything. Just anyone. I am that person who believes that if you know you look good enough, you feel good and there's some good positive vibes right there. With that, I believe you will be able to attract people with your presence and confidence and yeah you'll have to know how to make good conversation.

I don't know about you but I guess that's how I am. If I'm being very self-conscious about myself, I'm not going to even look confident, let alone be confident mentally.

One more thing. I can't seem to start writing anything besides ranting in this blog. I've lost touch. But I promise myself that I'm still going to try. I have some ideas for a story I just need to start writing. I have this problem where I cannot use Microsoft Word. It's like a really bad relationship we have. Even when I had lots of assignments to do. I just couldn't bring myself to open that program and start typing. Maybe it's the typing.

Maybe it's because it looks so empty I have no idea how to fill it up. Man, do I make the worst painter ever (that's something I thought I would try to pick up too. One can dream). 

You see how I can go on and on? I just can't seem to give you a nice story. It's always patches of things. Like a patchwork quilt.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011


lamp post

look up

nice view

Last day of the August Break! (Imagine if I actually had one photo for each day) So I went to the outskirts of Sepang and it was like an adventure. It actually felt good to feel like a tourist, in my own country. 
