Tuesday, March 29, 2011

coincidence much?

OK so I found this cool video while browsing KinkyBlueFairy which brought me to Stit:Stit, where I found said video. It was done for Native Son.

The music is a listen too, hey? I like it.

Song of the day: Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek

I was about to listen to that song when I got exciting news that my cousin proposed to his girlfriend. So...song of the day :) I now have two cousins, who happen to be brothers, engaged to their girlfriends. Congrats, you guys! This year is looking better and better.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Project Work-That-Butt-Off

cartoon found via google search

It's Day #1 of my home workout since I just got me a (2nd-hand) treadmill yesterday (yayyuhh). And I have to say that it's going to be a long and painful road to the day where I see any change in my body. But I'm not impatient, at least not anymore. Now that I actually have the treadmill I already feel confident that I will lose weight and keep fit and healthy. (slow down, tiger..) And yes, I'll admit that I'm not the type to check my weight everyday, so... I'll think about starting to do that. Here's to better days ahead.

Numbers are all there,
Sweat dripping from my temples
Feels good to be here.

A little workout haiku for ya. HAHA.

Listen to: Black Keys - Tighten Up > good workout song too :)

peace + love

Thursday, March 24, 2011

awake but not sound

Can't sleep and listening to Old Brand New's Weekend Jukebox mix. It's such an awesome virtual playlist. Go ahead. Thanks to him, I got a listen to Portishead's stuff. I'm kept awake because I was talking to myself in my head too much. Plus, I had a nap in the evening. Also not forgetting my constantly thinking about when I will be ready for my graduation recital.
On another note, it amazes me how many people ask my impending graduation. And sometimes they ask me that every time I meet them. Wow. I'm always left dumbfounded which then gives them the impression that I'm actually just dumb and that's why I haven't graduated yet. Believe me, I'm counting the days myself so please stop asking. I will give you a heads up of one month so in the mean time, don't hold your breath.
It's hard for me to explain how different a music course is to say, a Law degree or Accounting or anything else, really. Maybe it's the course design in my university or maybe (hopefully?) that's just how music courses are in general. Music students will always (at least once) extend semesters. So the end date of their degree is never fixed. It's just the way it is. I do realize, however, that courses in public universities are set which makes it that much easier for students. But whatevs. I am where I am. Period. The only way to look is forward.

Listen to: Thee Midnighters - Town I Live In.

photo from d a b i t o's flickr (who happens to own Old Brand New)


pick me up.

Listen to: Portishead - Glory Box.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

live in the moment, dammit.

photo stolen from Jonny Lee's photo album :)
original post here

Listen to : Thee, Stranded Horse - Shields   /thank you, Adeline :)

Instead of whining I need to get my ass out there and live. So that's it.


Monday, March 21, 2011

much love Monday

I love Lucky Stars
made this (just the stars) for the boy but I'm afraid it's too feminine for him hah.

I remember learning how to fold these lucky star things in Brunei when I went there to visit my aunt, around nine years ago. My cousins and I were stumped with nothing much to do and found these in the supermarket and decided to pick it up. I haven't stopped since :) It's a good way to pass the time but my fingers get numb or hard or something after too much of folding. Recently I bought the star strips from a bookstore but I just realized how bad they look. From now on, I'm going to make my own strips and they're going to look awesome. Much more awesome than those here. 

Plus, since I had the heart-shaped bottle and I filled it up good, I just wanted to take part in this Much Love Monday project thing. Feels good. :)


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I wish to create images like these some day.

{all photos by marie zucker from the dying swans}


Monday, March 14, 2011


I got me a few more books recently, I couldn't help myself. BookXcess was so awesome.

from top to bottom:
Jane Austen - Persuasion
Lewis Carroll - Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland
Jimi Hendrix's Biography
JD Salinger(!!!) - The Catcher in the Rye (!!!!!!)
Paulo Coelho - The Winner Stands Alone
Eleanor Catton - The Rehearsal
Paulo Coelho - Brida
Preeta Samarasan - Evening is the Whole Day

And I got to completing another letter to be posted to another friend of mine :)
I'll be posting it tomorrow and I'm guessing it will only arrive in one to two weeks. Snail mail in all its glory.

This means it's time to start working on another letter to another dear friend. (smiley face)

P.s: About the devastating tragedy in Japan, it is really painful to watch on the news the effects of this ghastly disaster. I pray the people get the help they need. It's not worth much but I wish I could do something. For the precious lives lost, may they rest in peace. Such horrible things happening, these days.

peace+love, friends.

Friday, March 11, 2011

online magazines.

Holy crap. It's like your birthday when it's not. 

{all images sourced from rue magazine}

Please check out RUE because it'll blow your mind. It does kinda suck because most stuff that's on there, I can't afford let alone think of buying because, well, I just can't afford them. But the magazine is done so nicely and so pretty and it's on your computer screen. It's just awesome. Saving so many trees with this amazing idea for an online magazine. 

And here's another online magazine I found: Matchbook. It has crazy beautiful things in there that you will covet forever.

Song of the day: Lissie - Pursuit of Happiness (cover)  [ thank you nicole :) ]


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

365 days of pure goodness.

I stumbled upon this tumblr 365q while tumblring yesterday. It just blew my brains. This guy Julian Bialowas combines two of the best things (to me, anyway): Photography and Inspirational Quotes, a 365-day project. Exactly what I needed. And hot damn, are his photos awesome. He does landscape photography (most probably because he goes hiking and climbing a lot). And he's 20?! 
I feel so robbed. I robbed myself of my own age-to-achievements ratio. But no. I'm not going to feel sorry for myself. Here are some of his awesome shots + quotes.

I think this is my best find since ever

peace+love, friends.

Ella Purnell

I think Ella Purnell looks a bit like Eva Green in this photo shoot/article.
And I think Eva Green is ridiculously good-looking. So that makes Ella soon to be ridiculously good-looking too.

Photo of Ella Purnell sourced from Flaunt Magazine

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I just watched Breakfast at Tiffany's yesterday. It was nice. Suddenly I'm into movies made in the 60s. (I think I developed this interest after watching Hitchcock's Psycho). I liked the directing style. The cinematography. So simple. Of course, it can't be compared to movies today, but it's definitely different, neither better nor worse. I can't get enough of Holly Golightly's hairstyle. It's amazing. I think Carey Mulligan's character in An Education copied Holly's hairstyle for awhile. Who wouldn't? And she is so charming and friendly and fearless and also self-sacrificing. Making friends with a mobster without realizing the consequences. Or maybe she did but just couldn't care. With her extra-long cigarette holder and a nameless cat and an apartment with minimal furniture. She made Tiffany & Co. look so good and welcoming. And I love the script. So straight forward. I love how they talk. So polite, even when they're angry. 

Holly told Paul (but she preferred to call him Fred because he looked like her brother Fred) after a small argument : "It should take you exactly four seconds to cross from here to that door. I'll give you two."

And damn, Audrey Hepburn was tiny! It was kinda unsettling. But you'd get over it eventually.

she's so cool

and crazily gorgeous


Sunday, March 6, 2011

the time is now.

I want so much to be good

So I'll try
I promise I will
If it kills me so be it
It would be worth the trip.

{i'm not a rose - RICOR}

Friday, March 4, 2011

let go and be free.

Photographs by Harper Smith
(found via DesignLoveFest)

wishful thinking.

If one day I had a big space to work with, I'll be borrowing some ideas from here..

these and more from here.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I don't want to be an Island

love song to my one and only
and this band Tennis is so chill.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

the march hare approves.

Woohoo, first day of March and here I am giving my blessed place its first post of the new month. Feels good. Only because I just taught myself to play No Rain on the guitar. And only because there are just 4 chords (5, for the more pro players..) so I am feeling pretty good about myself.
PLUS: I've finally scanned my lomo photos to my computer. Out of the 16 photos I'm only going to put up a few here (there are 3 photos that came out red, because I used a red gel on my flash in the dark...yep). And the rest on my flickr. :)
