Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Get Your Game Face On

Happy New Year, me! I'm so excited even though I'm not even remotely ready for classes. And then there's the new year's resolutions. I've slowly stopped doing them because I always don't follow through most of them. But I've come across so many resolution lists these few days that I believe I just have to make one too. (just to feel like I'm achieving something) So here goes.
I resolve to:

-practice piano everyday longer
-find a part-time job and pronto
-save more money & spend more wisely
-use my time more productively. (if it's possible.)
-exercise regularly (and religiously)
-make and send letters more often
-get more involved with the Malaysian music scene by going for lotsa gigs :)
-get a tattoo
-seize opportunities
-keep in mind that life is short and every moment counts
-have a good breakfast every morning

peace + love