Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hiatus broken

Wow. I've only gotten one post aside from this one for November. Very bad. This past two weeks just flew by and whenever I found myself on the internet I just wasn't feeling as inspired as I used to be. I didn't reblog or post much of anything on Tumblr which is considered out of the ordinary already.
Anyways here I am again. Like I said, it's been a blur. I went to Phuket for four days and then on to Hong Kong for 6 days. Crazy. My feet are numb from all the walking, really. Whenever I'm on holiday, my feet aren't.
Highlights: Spending quality time with friends, in Phuket and Hong Kong. It doens't come often so this was like a bonus for me. So good for the soul, really. Makes you appreciate the little time you have with the people you love.
Lowlight: I forgot to bring along my mp3 player so I was stuck with my own thoughts throughout my flight to Hong Kong. For almost 4 hours, and I couldn't sleep much either. It's like being awake with a nightmare.
Lots of photos taken. Honestly, I don't know when I'll get to them. Have to work tomorrow and Friday. Ah, the taste of working a 5-day week. Gonna be bitter.
Promise I'll be back asap.


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