Sunday, October 23, 2011

Back in the day

It's Sunday and it just screams "Do Something Fun Now!" to me. Anyway, I was going through old photos and came across these two. Many (and I do mean a whole lotta many) years ago, for the weekend, my godfather (sounds so gangsta, affectionately called 'Godpa'), among other outdoorsy activities, brought me and my cousins to Genting Highlands  and we used to go for horse rides and lessons. (Whoa that's a lot of commas, sorry). It was so awesome and crazy. He's crazy. In all seriousness. Okay I'm exaggerating. I guess different people show their love in different ways.

Yes that is my younger self, concentrating on not falling off and doing it right. I forgot the name of that horse. She was so majestic. Star or Mist or Snow. Dammit. She was the best horse and I was so happy I got to ride it. (Photo credits go to my Godpa) 

 Amazing shot by Godpa. It astounds me that people took really good photographs before digital cameras were around. Amazing.
Happy Sunday. 

peace love

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