Monday, August 31, 2009


what a sombre day it's supposedly Malaysia's Independence Day...was expecting maybe..fireworks at midnight, but no...and according to a source, there're no parades shown on TV..very suspicious...but then again, In Your Face, N*&^b!! wooohooooo~~
hahahha very happy now :D
hmm...tomorrow is the first day of the new semester..hoping for the best...
peace and love (although none to the govt)
-dees(10 in French haha)

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Maybe it's because I've been in seremban too long because I was getting used to KL life already...Idon't know..
right now, I feel like going out to KL but then again, I don't feel like's really weird..
anyways..mum just borrowed some learn-it-yourself books for French :)
but really, French is frikkin hard..
been a typically cool day..rained, for the most that was good..
watched gossip girl for abit :)
i know it's a bit too much for my age, but i kinda escape to their world..the Upper East Side..and pretty pretty clothes and super nice and easy lifestyle..aaah..and not to mention the boys *owww!*


Friday, August 21, 2009

Blue Days Blue

its been awhile eh..
It's the hols for now, until the 1st of September fer me..
what have I done so far, since exams were done with? hmmm...practiced piano (not half enough as i should be...), watched movies, started watching Bleach (anime), washed my car, spent quality time with cousins (not ALL of em but a fair share :D )
yeah, thats basically it.. haven't done recording with daphne yet..hmm
and..i have to go back to uni every monday for piano class..which i am thankful i have because if i didn't, there would be like a 78% chance of me failing next semester (at piano).. so that's good..
I'll be going to Paris (yes.....Paris!!!!!! a bit too early than expected, but nevermind) in December! wooohoo~! good news: mum will be coming with. bad news: joachim can't come :(
but it's ok because i plan to go back there with him.. i don't think ONE trip to PARIS is enough...less than 14 days..totally NOT ENOUGH
so yeah..and Paris is one of the places i hope to settle down in..yeah..dreaming big.. XP
anyways, yesterday was cousin's day out :)
yogz, hemz, arvind, sucin, meens, shubz and joachim :)
it was good! we walked around in The Curve, watched a movie (The Orphan), and had dinner at TGI Fridays (first time for me!)..the orphan was awesome..its a thriller not a horror movie..was good although i was flinching most of the time...sometimes its good to scare yourself i guess..the movie was filled with so much tension, i was close to getting emotional...but thats how i am with any movie you throw in my yeah..the story was really good! quite original my surprise, Leonardo diCaprio was one of the producers! he wouldn't just decide to co-produce a movie if he didn't think it would be good right?? so yeah, if you can, check it out for kicks :)
-deez out

Saturday, August 1, 2009


been a while...just came across this thanks to Zach Braff
The 50,000 Pairs in 50 Days Challenge
i wish i was in America so i could join all these organizations...yeah i know there are many here but they don't make it easy to do what u can..
anyways, i just watched Adventureland last night.. it was good :) Jesse Eisenberg is good! or he's just good looking to me ;)