Saturday, January 31, 2015

One plus one equals three

Happy New Year (a month later)! 

My son arrived safely and we have been very occupied with him since then. It's been a whirlwind of happenings surrounding our little cub. His christening, and monthly doctor's check-ups. Me getting used to having a baby to care for, breastfeed, clothe, bathe and change diapers for. Honestly, I thought it would be tougher but thank God I took to this new routine without to big a hiccup. The lack of sleep and waking up few times in the middle of the night was a shock, but luckily it only lasted for around 2 weeks. I got used to the cub's midnight wake-ups pretty quickly. I think most of this is due to our stay with my parents, they helped out - A LOT. 

The cub and I stayed with my parents for 2.5 months. Only once we moved back to live together with my Mister did I really get the feel of juggling a child and managing your house and yourself. For a while, I felt like I didn't have the time to do anything else - house work, creative time, cooking - on top of seeing my friends on facebook and instagram going places and and just plain going out for dinner/lunch/brunch/ice cream waffles.

I did feel like my life is on pause and our baby's life is on play full-time. Then I decided I couldn't just get stuck like this. For a while, yes. But not for too long. I think 4 months is enough. Time to bounce back, off from baby "holiday". Not forgetting, time to get my pre-baby body back. It might be impossible but it's hella worth the try. The side-effect of working out is keeping healthy, no loss there.

And so my new, new life begins. On top of my wife and mummy duties, I need to have a little outlet for myself. To be able to create something that's mine (besides my beautiful child, with the help of the husband). Even though I've decided to be a stay-at-home mum, I still want to be productive and resourceful. I still want to feel like I'm contributing something, that's why I'm assisting the husband with his business just doing simple admin stuff and also planning to resume piano classes from home. It's not so great to solely depend on your husband for everything, mainly expenditure. 

I'm terrible with new year's resolutions so I just set a motto for myself, for the whole year.

go all out

Whatever I want or plan to do, try not to half-ass it. For instance, my plan to revive this little blog.

Hope I do it well.
