Friday, April 1, 2011

23 dammit

I just need to be assured that there is something out there for me after I'm done with university.
Every time I begin to see brighter days, somehow someone always knows where the dimmer switch is and turns it way down.

So all I need right now is to spend more time on myself (how much more self-indulgent can you get?) and less time on the internet.
Read more often.
Because as much as I enjoy it, I feel foolish having to see what other people are doing with their lives. And I'm a little tired of reading inspirational quotes on the internet (even though I need them - a lot). What does that say.. I think I've had too much of internet. I need to stay away for awhile.

^jimmy eat world, 23

(I know I'm kinda contradicting myself with this, but I can't say no to Julian's work, really.)


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