Thursday, March 24, 2011

awake but not sound

Can't sleep and listening to Old Brand New's Weekend Jukebox mix. It's such an awesome virtual playlist. Go ahead. Thanks to him, I got a listen to Portishead's stuff. I'm kept awake because I was talking to myself in my head too much. Plus, I had a nap in the evening. Also not forgetting my constantly thinking about when I will be ready for my graduation recital.
On another note, it amazes me how many people ask my impending graduation. And sometimes they ask me that every time I meet them. Wow. I'm always left dumbfounded which then gives them the impression that I'm actually just dumb and that's why I haven't graduated yet. Believe me, I'm counting the days myself so please stop asking. I will give you a heads up of one month so in the mean time, don't hold your breath.
It's hard for me to explain how different a music course is to say, a Law degree or Accounting or anything else, really. Maybe it's the course design in my university or maybe (hopefully?) that's just how music courses are in general. Music students will always (at least once) extend semesters. So the end date of their degree is never fixed. It's just the way it is. I do realize, however, that courses in public universities are set which makes it that much easier for students. But whatevs. I am where I am. Period. The only way to look is forward.

Listen to: Thee Midnighters - Town I Live In.

photo from d a b i t o's flickr (who happens to own Old Brand New)




Hiya! Thanks for stopping by earlier. I'm glad you're enjoying the tunes. I'm loving your jukebox on the side too! I think we have the same tast in music. Thanks for the linkies and see ya around!

And enjoy your time while you're still in college because it was the best time of my life and sometimes, I wish I never graduated. Hah. I miss school so much.

diane said...

Hey! I was thinking the same thing about our taste in music...
About college, I'll try my best! and thanks for stopping by here :)