I'm excited even though this happened last week but I've posted my first letter :) So all I need to do now is wait and see if it actually reaches the recipient safely..Oh how I hope and pray for its safety..
Here's what I did with the envelope.. Kinda made a mistake by using thick art block paper. (the genius I am)

{back: blogger decides that this photo should be rotated 90 degrees clockwise without asking my permission}

I hope I surprise my recipients because I love surprises and who doesn't?
In other news: I came across this cool photo of Bob Dylan. So adorable (although it looks photoshopped, but still) :)
{source: Brooklyn Vegan}
This then reminded me that I needed to get an education on Bobby and a whole lot of his albums. There's a book out (a long while back) and I think it would be awesome to read it... I came across a really cool photo of him in his 20s in New York but it's in my Rolling Stone magazine and I don't have the facility of a scanner at the mo. :(
dee you made this?:)..niccceeee:)
looks like we both are fans of glue and paper eh?..shel has tonnes of self-made letter from me in his kl house..looks abit creepy like he has a shrine for me or something:S..i made him a photo album two years back for christmas and even a best boyfriend in the world certificate that came in the mail:P:)..so gimme your address so i can suprise you soon too:)..and oh ohh i have been wanting to tell you but didn't see you online lately and i'm too excited to tell you so i'll just say it here..i have been learning to salsa:)..maybe i could show you some of my moves when i get back ya?:P..post more of your letters here for my viewing pleasue okay:)
your faithful follower
jamz you can view my blog aredy!! wooohoooo~~ oh I didn't know you liked to DIY cards and other stuff! cooool! yes yes i'll give u mine and you gimme yours ;)
oh mind you, I take quite a while just to finish one envelope..but hols will be coming soon and it should be no prob! :D
salsa eh...just saw the fb status update and was wondering and I guessed correct! haha... of course you should teach me but I don't think I'll have a partner to dance with :S I'm counting my lucky stars the boy can move his feet to the beat!
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