Sunday, September 26, 2010

Where The Wild Things Are

{credit: here}

Or 'Where Imagination Comes To Life' but I guess Where The Wild Things Are does it. It is, after all, adapted from a book by the same title by Maurice Sendak so who am I to change a movie title. Anyway, I think Spike Jonze did a terrific job at making this movie. Though, I haven't read the book yet. I just love the colours, mostly muted. Earthy colours. And the story. I've yet to figure out the underlying meaning of it. Definitely a good watch. love love love it.

Just Read: The Kite Runner

It's been a while since I last read a good book. The Kite Runner ended the dry spell. It's a really heartbreaking story. But it was very very well-written. Only one thing was a little confusing.. the timeline. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention. But it's very very very minor, really. You'd be more interested in the story and what happens next than the year.

and Just Watched: The Kite Runner movie (which was badly adapted)

The movie really wasn't necessary, if you asked me. Anyone could have imagined a better movie than this. I was basically disappointed. I didn't shed a tear. The script or screenplay was bad. This is apparent to me because I was crying like a baby reading the book. But I guess not all books are meant to be adapted and most books are always, always interpreted badly.

peace + love

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