Saturday, August 28, 2010

Wishes do come true..just not on schedule.

{jack white. via here}

things I need/want to get:
  1. sneakers, preferably ankle high
  2. camera
  3. jeans
  4. tshirts
  5. gym shoes
oooh things I need to accomplish:
  1. finish learning my concerto (2 more days)
  2. do some collages and decorate postcards
  3. letters and envelopes
  4. lose a whole lot of weight
  5. plan a holiday trip for november/december


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Yea a holiday to Hong Kong perhaps? :P still waiting for it if you wanna know.................

TMQuin said...

hey deez...chris here.......i need to lose tonnes of weight too...ppl saying me am fats :( wan hear ur concerto !! :D

diane said...

hey-o! finally some reciprocation haha...
Daph: sorry ler budget probs.. I secretly hope you come back to work here so we can hang anytime ;P (evil, i know..)

Chris: let's fight the fat together! it's just too easy to put on weight these days.. i would love to play my concerto for you to hear :)