Saturday, August 28, 2010

old news, but in other words..

cool stamp collage by eklektick (via goodnight little spoon)

Sorry for the as-always silent treatment for too long but it is the holidays and I guess I need a little vacation away from the computer from time to time as well, right? Not that I'm a hell of a writer writing day and night anyways, eh.. Anyways, besides the chaos that is my brother's return from Ukraine for good and his graduation and wedding...I've still managed to find some interesting stuff online (yes, I don't feel like blogging but I do still read other people's blogs haha..)
OK so thanks to Sam Sebastian, I checked out this hilarious article: If Historical Events had Facebook Statuses. Gawd was it a good laugh. And it doesn't end there. I was curious about what this whole website was about (it's called Cool Material) and I stumbled upon yet another interesting article on Diego Gravinese, an artist. Holy crapzer he is just too damn good for this world.

In other elements, I've discovered (and rediscovered) instrumental music. mostly guitarists. electric guitarists. Paul Gilbert, Jimi H, BB King..awesome. I have to say this is all because my bro is crazy about them and gave me a listen and then made me crazy about them.

Although I've been dying for the holidays, I've found myself dying to get back to uni and KL...


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