Saturday, September 3, 2011

mission statement

I have a mission for Sunday: CHORES. I am going to do some serious housework tomorrow if that's the last thing I do. 
How dramatic was that?

Anyway I was just thinking about how I always neglect taking care of myself because of the worst reason in the world. I'm lazy. Yes. I'm actually lazy to slap on some moisturizer after a bath, sometimes. And sometimes, after taking off my makeup (which is such a feat for me), I forget to put on some moisturizer. It's always that moisturizer factor. And I have grown quite tired of me being so uninterested in myself. If I'm not interested in myself, how am I going to expect anyone else to be? I don't mean I want to attract boys or anything. Just anyone. I am that person who believes that if you know you look good enough, you feel good and there's some good positive vibes right there. With that, I believe you will be able to attract people with your presence and confidence and yeah you'll have to know how to make good conversation.

I don't know about you but I guess that's how I am. If I'm being very self-conscious about myself, I'm not going to even look confident, let alone be confident mentally.

One more thing. I can't seem to start writing anything besides ranting in this blog. I've lost touch. But I promise myself that I'm still going to try. I have some ideas for a story I just need to start writing. I have this problem where I cannot use Microsoft Word. It's like a really bad relationship we have. Even when I had lots of assignments to do. I just couldn't bring myself to open that program and start typing. Maybe it's the typing.

Maybe it's because it looks so empty I have no idea how to fill it up. Man, do I make the worst painter ever (that's something I thought I would try to pick up too. One can dream). 

You see how I can go on and on? I just can't seem to give you a nice story. It's always patches of things. Like a patchwork quilt.



adeline said...

i always write on paper first! and then i draft it again on Word. i know, it's kinda stupid and time-wasting but it works for me.

or you can try "stream-of-consciousness" writing to get things started. my english teacher used to make us do that. take paper, pick subject, once pen touches paper, DON'T STOP til you're done. write anything and everything that comes to mind regarding subject (diversions allowed and welcomed). sometimes it's just crap but it sure gets the wheels turning!

diane said...

thank you adz :) I appreciate this alot. can't wait to bore you to death on the way to singapore ;)