Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Have You Done Today

...to make you feel proud? Yes, that's the title of Heather Small's song whose video I've attached here. I've been told lately (or implied) that I'm better off doing something else other than playing the piano. Yep, that sucks and it also serves as a wake-up call. Dammit woman, buck the hell up. It definitely isn't looking too good but it's too late and I am trying/going to not waste my own time anymore. In the end, I'm the one who is going to lose if I don't do it right. I'm just cheating myself. Doing me wrong. And I think that's the worst because you won't have anyone to blame but yourself. 

After thinking a lot about everything that's happened so far in my life, (it's like you clicked an invisible repeat button when you opened this page..) I got a little depressed. The modern (and cooler) phrase for it is 'being in a funk'. This would probably be the best time to write a poem (laughs to self), to get things out, but unfortunately I can't take this as inspiration. 

What if I'm not piano-teacher material? What else can I do? I need to figure out a lot of things. It's definitely easier to stay in a 'funk' than take control and do what is necessary. I'm not ready to make a list of things I should try to achieve this year because I'm afraid I might just get depressed realizing that they might not be achievable. But I know I should. Soon.

I read this post and found out about The Happiness Project.

I guess I'll give it a go.

P.S: this song is awesome. Got it from watching Miranda (a hilarious BBC show)

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