Friday, February 4, 2011

The Art of Looking Back

{30 Jan 2011}

Every time I look back on my life, I always think about what it would have been like if I had done something different after high school. What if I had gone to college to do a Pre-U course, A-Levels, or simply continued working instead of going back to school right after the holidays. What if I did whatever I wanted to do? What if I had thought about how much I would regret my decisions today if I hadn't made the right ones then?

They always say, "No Regrets". "Don't look back with regret, look forward with hope and (what-have-you-that's-positive)".

Yes, I would love a big dose of that any time. But what if I can't help it? I'm only human. There's only so much I can 'erase' from my memory and not my life. Please don't get me wrong. I'm very fortunate to be studying music and being very close to graduating (this year). I've looked past the fact that many people (friends and family) my age as well as those younger than I am have already gotten their degrees and joined in the rat race. I guess I thought music would be enough. Right now, I'm left wanting so much more. Art. Literature. Writing. Business. Marketing. I miss doing math.

I hope the important people in my life understand if I end up doing something other than what I've studied for. Athough, I wouldn't if I were them.

Anyway, another awesome song of the 90s that I miss so much and that a local awesome radio station played recently:

Please watch the official video cos it's classic :)


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