ah yes, Monday is indeed here and it's already half gone. Anyway, I had the desire to write a little bit about my birthday (growing older - it's inevitable, I've come to terms with that). It started off a good few hours earlier by me going out to dinner with a few of my good friends though the anti-climax came soon after (our food came a tad too late). And at midnight, I was online and who else was the first to wish me but lady J (altogether - *awww*). It's like she's getting sweeter and sweeter by the day or something, it's insane! Anyways, my boy whom I love planned to take me out the whole day but as they say, Man plans and God decides. Right? hope I got that right. So we planned to go to Central Market (no, it's not the real market where you buy chicken and stuff, gramma! I still love you!) a.k.a Pasar Seni, and more specifically the Annexe Gallery. But then I almost got a ticket for parking in the wrong spot and we decided to go somewhere else :( We ended up in the Bukit Bintang area where we ate at a Moroccan Restaurant :) It was the best!! And it was the boy's first time trying Moroccan/Arabian food and it was good!! *happy* (cos I suggested some food haha) I do have to point out that the price was oh so high. But it was worth it :)

Later that night, my lovely boy threw me a BBQ party at his house and it couldn't get any better than that :) I felt extremely spoilt and pampered. Got lotsa presents as well :) Photos will come much later. Too busy now :(
All my close friends were there, even the boy's parents and my lil ol' gramma :)
And yes, for once, I did not get hammered. Yay, 23! Don't hope too much for 24 though.
nawwww..you didn't just mention lady J again!:)
so happy you had a good birthday..told ya its gonna be an awesome one..love ya deezbeez!:)
thanks my lovely faithful friend *hearts* :)
how blonde am i?!
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