hey there internet-surfing people, I've changed my blog template thingie so hopefully it still appeals as it did before (self-flattery much eh)
Anyway, once again, I've stumbled upon some cool blogs and decided to share here because they were too interesting for me to keep all to myself. Really, I'm not being sweet or anything but it was really too much of nice stuff so I wanted to mention about them here.
First up, it's Goodnight Little Spoon. This cool girl, Bianca Jagoe makes mean postcards and envelopes. When I say mean, I mean super awesome-looking paper put together. And then she sends them to friends and people she meet through her blog. To make it just a little bit more better, she sends cool stuff in the envelopes! It is just too good. I wish to explore that side of me soon. I can't even think about doing any of that now. Only because I know I would spend days working on creating a pretty postcard, time of which I don't have right now. But definitely something I look forward to when I'm on holiday :)

just one of many of Bianca's works
Next, this blog, Meet Me At Mike's has inspired the granny in me to learn how to knit. Yes, you read right. I want to learn how to knit. Pip, the woman behind this inspiring blog, shares many tutorials on how to knit and crochet stuff and that got me interested :) I have to warn you, you will definitely spend a good half of the day reading her blog. And it will leave you all inspired and geared up to make and create nice things :)

Yup, there's a Meet me at Mike's Store :)
OK so far, that's about it. Oh yes, this past weekend I spent my Saturday in KLPac for Urbanscapes, an all-day art festival. There was music, food, fashion pluses and minuses, shopping, photography, movies and collaborations. It was a good day.