Tuesday, November 29, 2011

additional houseguests

Recently I found myself really wanting to have a cat in the house. I surprised myself, too. I remember always hating cats but I don't know. It could be all the youtube videos and tumblr memes of cats. Kittens are just too adorable. I hope some day the boy agrees to let me have a little kitty, and not just a (imaginary) hedgehog.

And then the other day, I caught a stray cat walk into my house and it just scared me. And now I'm not sure if I'm really ready to have a little animal in the house walking about wherever it pleases. I'm so afraid of the commitment and extra work I have to put in to take care of this little adorable creature. Some day. Definitely. 

In the meantime, here's another video to melt your heartstrings.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011




My friends and family keep asking me, "How was your trip/holiday?" All I say is "Good! Great! Very nice!" But really, these few days (and also some days when I was in Hong Kong) I catch myself wanting to go back to Phuket. I keep picturing my friends and I on our rented bikes, on the road, trying hard to blend in with the locals (even in the way we ride), on the way to the beach. All I would want to do more of is be at the beach. Just sit there. I don't care, I'd just rent one damn umbrella. That's probably where all my money would go to if ever I went back to Phuket. I can't explain it though. My Phuket experience was fairly normal. I didn't think the island-hopping and the outdoorsy-adventure-elephant trekking tours were good but somehow I miss it. I guess it's the beach and the streets. I felt like I had everything I'd want there. Grocery shops in abundance, a shopping mall for when I feel rich, a beach. A whole damn beach. Walking distance. Walking. Distance. Everywhere is walking distance. I think that's what I loved about being there. No need to drive, if it's raining, take a tuk-tuk. Life is so simple. I wouldn't mind settling down there.
I'm such a dreamer I disgust myself. God, I need to get back to reality before someone shoots me down and then I bleed and die.


What the -

I wish I was the one who created these jaw-dropping, hard-to-believe-it's-a-collage images.

{all images sourced from here}

Yep. All you need is paper and archival paste. And some bad ass cut-round-the-edges skills. So far, Beth Hoeckel is at the top of the bad ass list. 


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Rainbows and butterflies

new project

new project part 2

So happy with myself this week. Started a new "project" so this is a sneak preview. I'm giving it to someone so I can't wait to finish it :) Hope that person likes it. All kinds of goodness happening this week. Tomorrow there's Busco's EP Launch, Thursday I'm meeting up with a girlfriend for lunch, and Saturday it's Halfway Kings' party gig show! So exciting this week is.

I uploaded Hong Kong photos onto Facebook but I'll try and put up some of my favorites here soon (after I edit them to look prettier).


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hiatus broken

Wow. I've only gotten one post aside from this one for November. Very bad. This past two weeks just flew by and whenever I found myself on the internet I just wasn't feeling as inspired as I used to be. I didn't reblog or post much of anything on Tumblr which is considered out of the ordinary already.
Anyways here I am again. Like I said, it's been a blur. I went to Phuket for four days and then on to Hong Kong for 6 days. Crazy. My feet are numb from all the walking, really. Whenever I'm on holiday, my feet aren't.
Highlights: Spending quality time with friends, in Phuket and Hong Kong. It doens't come often so this was like a bonus for me. So good for the soul, really. Makes you appreciate the little time you have with the people you love.
Lowlight: I forgot to bring along my mp3 player so I was stuck with my own thoughts throughout my flight to Hong Kong. For almost 4 hours, and I couldn't sleep much either. It's like being awake with a nightmare.
Lots of photos taken. Honestly, I don't know when I'll get to them. Have to work tomorrow and Friday. Ah, the taste of working a 5-day week. Gonna be bitter.
Promise I'll be back asap.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011



Adeline shared this song Slippery Slope and I thought it would fit well at a Halloween party.
Plus, I feel like I'm on a slippery slope to not keeping up to my own goals in life. It's crunch time, seriously.
