Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So I went to Uni today to settle a few things, and I kinda witnessed a bit of a kerfuffle goin' down outside a restaurant. So I made up my own story (since they were speaking in Cantonese). So one of them is probably a gang member and the other maybe owns the cyber cafe beside the restaurant. And maybe the cyber cafe owner borrowed money and now the gang member says it's pay-up time or you lose this joint. Or maybe one guy It made me miss not-living-in-Cheras more. Everyday you see funny things, crazy things. Everyday something is happening.
Not here where I'm in a suburban island of housewives and senior citizens. Not that it's not nice, it's just different I guess. I need more time getting used to this. Because right now, I'm feeling pretty isolated. It's so far from the places where I usually hang. It's a little frustrating. Hopefully I get better at this. 
Right now I need to focus on my piano. God knows my pieces need all the attention they can get.

Song of the day: Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels) - Arcade Fire

Shadow shot of Adeline and me at the Lymbyc Systym show last night. It was almost too good.



adeline said...

word up, homie. let's go find the ghetto in sunway and make it our turf. after ur recital, tho. haha. peace out.

diane said...

good idea homes! can't wait ;)