Monday, April 12, 2010

shorts and sweets

as you might have noticed, there's no chat box thingy at the right side anymore...that's because i want to encourage you guys to comment directly on my posts :) makes me feel better somehow..
and yes, I'm currently dying to finish my final essay and another pending report.
and after all this shebang, I'm gonna party and shop for so many things,even though there isn't enough money for that, but i don't care any more..
oh yes and i also need to work my a$s off at my piano pieces woohooo can't wait!

{photo taken from the blog of daydreamlily}

Ok, back to work people

peace + love

P.S: it will get better. everything will be better. in time.


matsy said...

Hey Diane im commenting here! I'm stuck in a similar fix as you are! *sign*
but its going to end real soon!!
take care!

diane said...

maryanne! long time no hear from you :)
yup yup yup it's gonna end very very soon and i cannot freakin wait!
thanks :)
you take care too!
p.s: i'm so happy you commented!