Saturday, January 17, 2009

this morning

so many things 'happened' in such a short while.
Israel is bombing gaza to feel all powerful and sh*t.
I'm reading about civilians dying. Adults AND babies. Babies are flying because of the impact of the bombs. Nail bombs. White phosphorus. Israel has some super hi-tech new weaponry stuff that's really bad. it's this thing called the micro pellet.
"Large numbers of it entering the body would destroyorgans like the brain, lungs and abdomen. You can't find the entry point because it enters by very small holes in the skin (The pellets were the size of a pin's head. A pin's head!!!)" [source: The Star, 17 January 2009]

Oh my goodness, while I was reading much pain, and I'm here reading about it with breakfast, peacefully. It sucks really. I wish I could go over there with the relief organizations that people join. I think I wanna do that when i finish my degree, unless of course the war stops, then there's no point of me going is there. I haven't been reading the papers much since last year cos the paper is full of bull (hey, it rhymes) most of the time (especially about politics) so i don't bother anymore. *on a side note, notice that things/words that don't make sense usually rhyme..

That's why I feel like whoa, what the hell - Israel hasn't stopped?? I'm thinking, of course Hamas won't stop cos they're the smaller fish, they need to protect themselves. Israel should know that when they stop, Hamas will definitely stop. I can't believe the president or prime minister or whatever (of Israel) is just letting this go on..I'm really shocked actually. Aren't they supposed to be smart? I think most world leaders now are mercenaries concerned with getting more power.

Anyway, another thing is that I fear I might never get to see my beautiful niece again. But it has nothing to do with the whole Gaza conflict thing, no.

[*edit: I'm happy to say that my niece is back safely and she's an absolute angel. As for the war, it definitely hasn't stopped, last time I checked.]


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