Friday, December 14, 2012

The Mixtape Diaries Debut

I think I'll be making more mixes soon. 8tracks makes it so easy. There are so many awesome mixes out there, all created by individuals with the same taste in music as you. You're bound to find someone who likes the same music that you do. 

I'm gonna try to make one every Friday. Don't be surprised if you hear "old" ('cos the word old is so subjective these days) music because I'm not the best person to seek for new and good music. I'm lucky I have friends sharing awesome music with me here and there. But I will most likely be leaning towards chilled out stuff. 


Monday, December 10, 2012

Listography / To do

While I will not lie that I'm excited about our big day on the 29th this month, I'm also very excited about what's coming our way after that. More specifically, what's coming my way. Or to put it better, where I'll be heading, in terms of livelihood. I've already got my life partner, now all I need to work on is myself. So in the spirit of Bianca's To Do list, here's mine with a twist. 

It's more like a New Year's Resolution list, To-Do style.

*note my need for Photoshop skills. I made this using Paint, bless me.

Also, just wanted to remind myself that I actually lived in the moment last Friday. There was a call for extra talents in a video shoot the next day and I jumped at the chance. I'm quite proud of myself. I didn't over-think and just went for it. It turned out to be super fun and I met so many nice and interesting people. That's something I can tick off my bucket list. (Ooh, another idea for a list. Coming soon)

+One thing I forgot to put on there: I need to figure out what I want to do with this little blog of mine. I would really like this blog to expand and get more readers. Which means I would also need to be more disciplined in providing a good and consistent reading experience here.

I can't believe there's only 18 days to go before the craziness. I keep forgetting that Christmas is around the corner. 

much love & more peace

Sunday, December 9, 2012

All the Glitter in the World

Alberto Seveso. 'Nuff said.

Okay, I'll say a little more. I previously shared his work on ink in water on my tumblr a year ago . Now he photographs glittered ink in water. My mind just got blown - again. He's some kind of magical elf-being for creating such beauty.

It's like he's making us look at simple things, things we might take for granted, and showing us that any simple thing is really beautiful. We just have to look at them in a different light (pun not intended), a different way, (in this case, a whole other different way). We just need to appreciate them a little better.

peace & love

Friday, December 7, 2012


A few days ago, the mister emailed this post to me about how important it is to utilize your time while you're still alive and I connected with it so much. I'm going through a small rut in terms of what I want to do with my life (job-wise); so many inspirations, I'm like a 'Jack of all trades' but instead of 'trades', I have interests. The Jack of all interests, master of none. 

Not too catchy.

I just want to share a very awesome teaching I got from that Scrawny to Brawny post. 

This is extracted from the 5 Remembrances of Buddhist philosophy:

And this quote came in the email message:

Caretake this moment.
Immerse yourself in its particulars.
Respond to this person, this challenge, this deed.
Quit the evasions.
Stop giving yourself needless trouble.
It is time to really live; to fully inhabit the situation you happen to be in now.
You are not some disinterested bystander.
Exert yourself.
- Epictetus

Love these two sets of words. Simple yet effective. Yes, I'm in that place where I need words to motivate me, push me; towards a more meaningful life (seriously).

Ear-pleaser of the day: Taro - Alt-J

Monday, December 3, 2012

Just A November

The future mister scored these pretty swag babies at his company dinner. Best door gift idea in the world.

A little late for this but what the hell.

Reading ... (and bawling while at it) Randy Paush's The Last Lecture.
Anticipating ... being jobless for a while. Oh, and my wedding.
Listening ... to some Sigur Ros (post-concert issues) and Jessie Ware.
Making ... long to-do lists involving the house and wedding.
Doing ... last minute exercise and eating efforts so I don't put on weight til the wedding. I need to fit into my dress gracefully, without anything popping.
Going ... for the Sigur Ros concert in Singapore (and missing the one right here in KL) and to Janda Baik for a relaxing weekend getaway-slash-hen's night.
Loving ... the idea of getting married to my best friend in the whole wide world.
Forgetting ... the fact that Christmas is round the corner. We've been so focused on the wedding that we didn't realize that Christmas would be here first. Crazy!

Forgive me if there's a lot of wedding talk around here. It might get a bit corny but hopefully for a while. I made a promise to myself to post more here since I won't be working every day now.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Home Aspirations

I already know the kind of home I want to have. I can't control the design much because we're not there yet - the place where we can afford to buy our own land and build our dream house from scratch. What I can take control of is the interior decorating. I've already pinned a pretty number of photos for our new home (when? I don't know, but I know it exists - somewhere in the universe, it's there)

I just kept seeing so many photos of people's spaces, in tumblr and in my google reader that I decided to compile a little of my favorites and would-be inspirations.

All I know is I want fresh flowers in my home and around my home every day. And wooden furniture here and there. Walls are white, everything else is in muted tones with one or two bold but awesome pieces. It's gonna be quite monotonous this house of ours (if I can help it. Hope the mister let's me do my thing), save for the pretty flowers that will lend fresh vibes to our little paradise. That's right. Paradise. I intend to make our home into a place where we can't wait to get to after a hard day's work. Somewhere we can look forward to being, instead of that cool restaurant or that amazing hotel people are talking about. Even when the little feet start running around, I want us to be able to want to be home and not feel like we need to escape to somewhere else (though I'm not going to say no to a holiday, ever). 

I want to be able to worry only about food and drinks when we throw a party in our home. Because everything else is already taken care of. 

That's my dream. To create a home away from stress and chaos. To have a home that inspires me to think and do creatively. That actually puts me in the mood to create more and do more and be better at what I want to do.

Here lies a fraction of my humble collection of dreams.



I notice my preferences lean towards the Swedish style of design. Clean and crisp. They've just got it all figured out. I love it. I hope my future home possesses a sort of Swedish charm when we're done with it. For now it's all stuck in my head and pinterest.

+photos found via sfgirlbybay, bleubird vintage and my ideal home.


Monday, November 12, 2012

I fear that the decision I make will be another mistake. I just have to be brave and take the plunge.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dead end

I just discovered alt-J's music today. Thank God I bought Laneway tickets for next year already. (Sshhh I haven't told the boy yet.)

I was browsing the internet yesterday, loads of crafty stuff and pretty flowers and photos and videos of event organizing. It made me feel very small (what doesn't, these days..) and it made me rethink about what I want to do - ultimately - with my life, aside from spending it with my future husband. I realize I have to work, to have a steady (or not) income every month. That is the only way I can afford to buy the things I love, buy concert tickets, buy some nice clothes, nice stuff for the home. I couldn't afford a ticket for Laneway this year because I wasn't working, just teaching part time once a week, which was just enough to pay rent and buy food.

I really want to work with paper, print, anything. I'm considering going into event planning. Or just event decorating, if that's a thing. I want to be able to have free time, not just on weekends. I need to figure my shit out. Again.

Well, I just wanted to mention how this song really demonstrates how I feel now. Mellow but restless. I'm very restless and I can't do anything. Yet. 

Here I go again. On and on about how everything is not right.

I am getting married in a month (!!) and this is what I can think about now. You know how they say 'just relax before the wedding, everything will be fine'? Don't believe them. But if you realize that you can, by all means please lay low and rest up, think of nothing but lazing all day.

They gave Obama a second chance. I guess I should give myself a second chance too. Let's see how this goes.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012


{sadly, I don't know the source of this photo - but I got it from this tumblr}

Just as I put on the Michael Kiwanuka album, Home Again, and the first song started playing, I was looking at this photo. And I felt it was just so perfect. 
It was like I was right there at that bench, and this exact song came up on the radio or player in the shop. 
I was transported to that place, I could hear that little dog moving about. 

I was without a single worry.

You may imagine something totally opposite from this photo, but in that moment, I thought it was just perfect.

peace & love

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Ramble Schmamble

Do you ever feel like you're in a music video when you're in public and you've got your headphones on?

That's exactly how I feel or imagine, every time I put on my mp3 player when I'm on the train. Also because I travel to work alone so it helps when you start creating your own little stories and imaginings so as to not feel bored by the mundane travel situation.

I hope I'm not coming across as crazy or disturbed. As long as I'm not singing along out loud in front of everyone, I think I'm okay.

Wedding prep is finally back on track. Here's hoping everything will be splendid come December 29th.

Work is great, getting really awesome paychecks. The only downside is I'm left with one full free day every week and by then all I want to do is sleep. DIY projects need more than that, so it's bad news. But with a little help from some lovely people, I think we can pull it off. I must believe that.

Sorry about this crap post. I had a few topics lined up in my head to blog about but they were all erased. I think last night's dancing made sure of that. Ah well. I'll just have to wait until something comes back to me.

Just downloaded Wild Nothing's Nocturne. Best decision today, so far. Listen to the first track of the album, Shadow.

Also, I just discovered Frank Ocean. (Yes, awfully late to the party.) Enjoy.

peace & love

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


When I look at you
From a safe distance
I imagine a scene
Set in a different world

We are together
Content and blissful
Flowers in the garden
A pair of little feet trying to reach the garden hose

We sit under the sun in springtime
We freeze in winter
We lower the air conditioner in summer
We go trick-or-treating in autumn

I concoct these images
I have these ideals
I dream these scenarios
I imagine

My heart aches
Because I realize
Besides our existence
It is all just a fantasy

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Visual Candy Floss

I just got my mind blown. 

This video is done by Afiq Omar.
"Second installation of my ongoing series focused on analog visual effects, understanding fluid dynamics, magnetism & natural invisible forces. This time around I experimented with mixing tiny portions of ferrofluid & other chemicals, soap, alcohol, milk etc. Not for the trypophobic for sure." - Afiq Omar

There are 3 videos in this series so far. Check the other two out as well. Very pretty.
(Thanks, Uzair)

Also, check out this other video (I came across through even*cleveland) of an experiment on how frequency (Hz) manipulates the axons (part of a neuron/nerve cell) which affects the muscles in the chromatophores of a squid. Obviously I don't understand the science behind this too well. All I know is that it's super cool because this is really happening, in a living thing. It's extra awesome because the song chosen is Cypress Hill's 'Insane in the Membrane'; hence the cool title. More info right here.

peace & love

Monday, August 27, 2012


I have to come to terms with my (big) wedding (dream) plans. I've been swayed too far away by the beautiful wedding sites (here, here, and here, and anywhere else not Malaysian). They made me dream (a helluva) big for when it came to my own wedding day. They made me believe I could DIY favors for each guest, DIY everything and anything. They made me think I could have a garden wedding (I can't because we Catholics have to be married in a church).
But NO. I have 500 (or a little less) guests, and the maximum number of guests American/European/Australian couples have are 150 people. I have been so strict with the guestlist and we still managed to reach 500. Kerraazzyyy.

I need to get out of my dream and come back to reality. The most that I keep thinking about nowadays is the decoration part. There are so many details, and I just don't think I can do that. And I just got a little pep-talk about Malaysian weddings (guests, actually). They wouldn't remember about the decor much, just the food maybe, and how much alcohol they had, and if they had a good dance session after dinner.

So from now on, I'm gonna put up a sign wherever I can see it with these words:

And these shall remain in my thoughts too:

(sidenote: I have officially failed at August Break. It's worse than last year's attempt, goodness gracious me. My only lame excuse shall be that I have started working full-time and am therefore too tired to think of anything (or come up with a photo) to post. Hence the posts about wedding woes full-on. For this, I am terribly sorry. I do dream of one day blogging almost-full-time. For now, it remains a dream, until I develop something to blog about and maybe (hopefully) something handmade-but-awesome to sell.)

peace & love 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bump in the road


so much for posting a photo a day.

peace & love

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

At Month's End

So July just whooshed past. If July was a girl in a short skirt (okay, a super good-looking guy), I would've definitely not paid any attention when she/he passed by because I was too focused on looking at the dog try to cross a busy road.
Nothing major happened this month, but I did manage to set up a small decoration team for the wedding, so that's good :)
As for August, I'm taking part in The August Break. I can't believe it's already been a year since I last took part. Too fast, the passing of time. It's really scary. But that just means I'm not spending it well enough, so it's my problem to overcome.

Here's to a good last day of July and a great August.

click here
desert raven | jonathan wilson *thanks Meena!
(make)peace & (give)love

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Temple flowers

Take me away to the calm.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Just a minute in June


Hello July, I hope you'll turn out to be another rocking month, cos June was just the bomb diggidy.
I just wanted to record somewhere that I'm so thankful and grateful for so many things that happened in June.
1. Made a lot of new friends
2. Got a full time job, working with the most chilled boss in the world. 
3. Got my first full-time-job pay. 
4. It was my birthday, and I got so many presents (I usually just get money). I love presents! I wonder how I survived without them for so long.
5. Went to my first ever rooftop party and got blown away. I wish to get more invites to rooftop parties in the future.
6. Played hard by staying up late to go for a gig and having to 4-plus hours of sleep until it's time to wake up for work.
7. Bought tickets to Sigur Ros in Singapore, in November. (!!!!!!)
8. Mum finally came to visit me where I stay with the boy.

Reading... absolutely nothing. Had a typing job to do. Actually still doing it right now. Can't wait to finish it cos I've already reached my deadline oops. But waiting to get back to Peter Hoeg's The Quiet Girl.

Listening... to Jack White, Silverchair, Pearl Jam and random electronic music. Also, discovered local bands Sphere and Enterprise.

Watching... a lot of American Dad!, finished Mad Men, just starting on 30 Rock and planning to start Parks and Rec. Very behind on movies - no time to go out and btjunkie is dead.

Wanting... more time in a day. More days in a week. Just, generally, more time. And also to build up my stamina for a 6-day work week before I start passing out in the train.

Freaking... out. Wedding plans are still on-going but a little bit slow to my liking. Work and the journey to and from work really drains you. I need to boost my energy.

Wishing... I'll be much better at my new job in my second month of work. It's learning process but I hope I absorb faster than a sponge.

Waiting... to develop my first roll of film after a long time of having no films to play with. Hope they turn out okay.

Making... new friends and discovering so many new things. Life is good - amidst the chaos.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Past Present Future

OMG How long has it been? Anyway, new things are happening. Okay, maybe just one thing. I got a real job! As an art gallery-retail-boutique assistant. Just into my second week. Yes, I just started on the first of June. I'm learning so much. I can't wait to learn more and be good at what I do.

Plus, it's 8 minutes til I'm 25. 
Since it's (going to be) my birthday, I promise to do (and complete) a few things this month.
-finish at least one roll of film on my Diana F+
-send more mail
-practice the piano more
-sleep earlier (haha)
-take care of my health and fitness better

I think that list has got a bit of wishful thinking but then again, Adeline clearly told me (subtly) that I'm a professional daydreamer, so. Gotta live up to the standard. 


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Ariele Alasko

It's my first time coming across a woman who builds for a living. A modern-day carpenter. How awesomely cool can you get, really?
Ariele Alasko went to art school in New York to study sculpture, then ended up building tables and headboards and everything else (in time, I'm sure). Beautiful, structured tables. I wish I could buy one of them. 

Just another reason why I wish everyday I was living in New York. Small cozy apartments and access to amazing-as-hell stuff right where I (would) live (let's imagine for a second). 

I think Ariele is just amazing. Her vision is astounding. It's crazy to know that all she uses is reclaimed wood. In other words, unwanted scraps of wood. But she takes them in and turns them into irresistible pieces of furniture. Now that is pure skill. 

I can't sew to save my soul, I wouldn't bother trying my hand at building. So I'm just going to sit here and covet all the things she makes forever. 

{In her element - by the way, her workspace is right there in her apartment. So hardcore.}

{Handmade salvaged wooden table} 

 {Ariele tiled the wall herself(!)}

Photo sources: 1(The Makers Project) & 2,3,4,5(Ariele Alasko)


Monday, May 14, 2012

Mama's Day away

I missed Mother's Day. That means I wasn't around my mum to wish her in person. As much as I have stopped feeding into the hype of "Days", I guess Mother's Day would be one I would actually get suckered in to doing something extra nice for my mum. But I didn't this year. Don't worry I'll make up for it some day soon.
I was reading something about someone's mum and what she learnt from her. So as practice to my speech that I would be giving at my wedding dinner, here are just some of the important things I've learnt from my mum.

  • Be more giving to those in need and deserving
  • Offer help, if you are able, when a friend needs it
  • Work does not deter you from doing the dishes, cooking, cleaning and loving
  • Family comes first
  • Money is not an issue if family is involved
  • Persevere until you succeed because success is definitely sweet
These are the stuff I can think about from the top of my head, really. She's my hero, for sure. A very strong-willed woman who knows what she wants and will work hard to get it. I hope to emulate her values.
I love you Mum :)

p.s: No, this is not your Mother's Day gift, don't worry. (I kid, my mum probably doesn't read this and she's not the I-love-presents type.)


Monday, May 7, 2012

Frustration Central

I'm so overwhelmed (in my head) that I can't find a way to start on a project. But thank God for the boy because I can talk to him about anything and everything. 
Here are just some of the stuff I wanna do. Man, I need a life coach to push the hell out of me.

new banner, new blog

{Glitter garland to remind myself of the one I love

{Tassel garland, just for fun

{Loved-up felt bunting. Makes a pretty decor idea}

Yup. Most of the stuff I wanna do requires the use of a sewing machine. But that's just one of the reasons stopping me from moving forward. My grandma gave me a hand-held sewing machine, which means it's really small, like a mini travel-size sewing kit. But I need to get it serviced first. The ultimate dream is to get a good normal-sized sewing machine. Preferably a Brother one. (Might as well dream big since I'm dreaming already)

And I should stop making my overambitious to-do lists since I'm not really cancelling them off any time soon.
Plus, I'm feeling really terrible for not having any real content to share here. I really want to learn some basic photoshop skills so I can make some pretty images and words to put on here. It's a little intimidating, so it might take a while before I get to do something with it.

Wedding prep is going quite well, can't wait for everything to be settled. Excited but also nervous, very nervous. The guest list is a little too long, and as bad as it sounds, I'm hoping to reduce it a bit.

Also, Adam Yauch passed away. Very sad for the Beastie Boys. He was a talented musician and filmmaker. This one is my all-time favorite (sorry if I'm being very cliche).

love & peace

Monday, April 30, 2012


Monday, April 23, 2012

{pretty knit texture: pugly pixel}
{font: Ostrich Sans}

paz e amor

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

bicycle dreams

I am so getting me a bike.
These shots of New Yorkers on their bikes from the back is refreshing. Almost lets you imagine your own story for each of them (but you'll find a short description about these individuals on the site)


And then I wish I was living in New York.

(images via Downtownfrombehind)

peace + love

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

still water

I've been so caught up with planning wedding stuff that I just don't know what to write about (how ever little that I do) here. So, here are just a few pics to fill this place up a little.

Things have been pretty stagnant. Need to decide on a DIY project to do so that I can go out to get supplies and feel better about myself. Maybe it'll be something for the wedding. Need to get on it soon!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Words escape me.


Sunday, March 25, 2012

One lesson I've learnt this year (so far) is that you can't always depend on your family, extended family, and friends. You've only got yourself in the end (or in most situations) so build yourself up to be more independent so that you don't end up being disappointed.
I'm starting to think I'm socially disabled. I can't seem to keep up with friends. And I can count, on one hand, the people I can depend on. This excludes my parents and grandparents and godfather, of course. Maybe my expectations are too high? Maybe I'm not busy enough to be too busy with work that I don't have time with friends? When I have the good days I always think the bad days are gone and will stay gone forever. But damn, they come back. And I hate the bad days because I hate how they make me feel.

I wish I had just a little bit of the energy/spirit/views like Christopher McCandless (a.k.a. Alexander Supertramp) had. He is the most determined person I have encountered, even if just through a movie. His views, idealistic - which is how the boy says I am. I could relate to him but he was way too idealistic for me. But he was so strong, he just kept going. With his books, his favorite authors guiding him. So inspiring. I was just blown away. I could never do what he did, never. I hope there are more people like him out there.

Listen to Long Nights by Eddie Vedder. I need to get my hands on the soundtrack.

Into The Wild
