Tuesday, May 18, 2010

major absence

I feel like it's been forever since I last posted anything here. I've been dying to but I just couldn't bring myself to write. (yes, it is ironic.)
Anyway, Mother's Day was last week and all I could do was a mixtape CD for my mum (sadly I couldn't take a photo because I don't have a digital camera at the mo..don't tell her that tho..working on it!) and thank goodness she loves it :) I'm a little bummed because I didn't include everything that I wanted to tell her. But I plan to think of another way to do that. Soon. When I can. By the end of this year.
OK, after rummaging through my google reader full of posts from all over the world, I've come across a tiny thought for the day: The Perks of Living in Europe. Actually it's more of what I think about everyday of the year...preferably Paris :)

aaah. Life. Am I asking for too much here? Don't answer that.

[photos (from top) taken from: my little apartment, the english muse, and pia jane bijkerk]

peace + love


Lemon said...

oh, i love pia jane bijkerk!
and your profile pic.
thank-you so for stopping by my blog, lovely!

diane said...

and thank you for stopping by :)
pia is awesome and cool! i'm aiming to get her 'Paris Made by Hand' book ;)