My dear friend, Lady J [who also mentioned another dear friend, Missy HY, holla!] (there's that gangsta slang coming back..) was just talking to me about how reading pretty blogs especially those from overseas, and also mine because I sometimes supply interesting links to check out (oh yes, flattery will be the death of me), always leaves her feeling depressed because she feels like she will never be able to experience or see or have the things she just read about.. Trust me sista (hello again gangsta) I am too familiar with that feeling. But somehow I pick myself up. Somehow. And I just realized there was a perfect song to give myself (and hopefully everyone else) a tiny push. Enjoy :)

{click here to have your ears feel like they're on holiday}
peace + love
lady J in the house yo!:P
ahh im so flattered to be mentioned here:)
and yessss thanks for reminding me to pick myself are my tiny push:)
aww you di-en't!!
you're too sweet, it's hard not to mention you sometimes :)
thanks jamz *hugs*
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