Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hello is One Letter Away from Hell

I've come across so many awesome things online, it's not funny. Again, I've been bogged down by some terrible workloads..please forgive me .. plus, my google reader is full to the brim..(289 unread posts!!)
Here's the first...just in time for Valentine's Day ;)

"For you and for me, the highest moment, the keenest moment is not when
our minds dominate but when we lose our mind - and you and I
both lose it the same way, by love."
-Anais Nin in a letter to Henry Miller. 22 Feb. 1932
-got this from Every Little Counts-

Another super interesting one is a blog [Letters of Note] which posts up interesting letters from anyone really.
here are two that struck my fancy:
(1) Mark Twain's angry reply
(2) J.D. Salinger's refusal letter

{images from weheartit}

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