Saturday, February 27, 2010

Where dreams come true

Oh, New York, how you tease me.
Align CenterHow you knowingly seduce me when I'm helpless and can't answer.
But I will surprise you one day, with my charm.
And all your secrets will be found.
Only for me.
Then we'll create new secrets.

p.s: The photo above is of a bookstore cafe. And it's the best and coolest one that I've seen so far.

peace and love

Friday, February 19, 2010

Surprise, Surprise

You wouldn't believe what I got for Valentine's Day. Actually, I couldn't believe it myself.
A Diana F+ special edition (it's called CMYK, cyan-magenta-yellow-black, the 4 most important colours to print designers)!!!! Finally!!! it's so pretty! Thanks to my amazing boy, I can go forward with dabbling into analogue photography :)
{how cute is it, seriously?}

I have yet to get my 120 film so it will take some time before I get to post my "work" here haha..but I can't hardly wait.

oh btw, if you haven't noticed, I've made a 'list' for the song/songs that I'm listening to every day. Only the ones that I think you should experience with me :)

love + peace

Saturday, February 13, 2010

the tiger steps in

Chinese New Year is officially a day's on Valentine's crazy is that? anyway, i'm back in my hometown driving around on errands, and there're just too many cars on the road.
it was a Friday after all, so I can't really complain. on top of it being Friday, it's the eve of Chinese New Year Eve. so there.

I know it's old news but here it is : Malaysian drivers suck the life and joy out of me.
They make me want to scream! I can't, for the life of me, stand them. Almost every single one of them. It's like they left their conscience at home before going out. Not to mention (but very important to be mentioned anyway), courtesy. Hello, I can't read your damn mind. You need to indicate where you're turning. seriously.

Word of the day: Prick.

peace + love

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We all need a pick-me-up every now and then

Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark. In the hopeless swamps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all, do not let the Hero in your Soul perish and leave only frustration for the life you deserved, but never have been able to reach.The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is Real, it is Possible, it is Yours.
-Ayn Rand

{ photos from weheartit }

and here's a good wake-up call. Less than 5 minutes read, i promise. :)


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hello is One Letter Away from Hell

I've come across so many awesome things online, it's not funny. Again, I've been bogged down by some terrible workloads..please forgive me .. plus, my google reader is full to the brim..(289 unread posts!!)
Here's the first...just in time for Valentine's Day ;)

"For you and for me, the highest moment, the keenest moment is not when
our minds dominate but when we lose our mind - and you and I
both lose it the same way, by love."
-Anais Nin in a letter to Henry Miller. 22 Feb. 1932
-got this from Every Little Counts-

Another super interesting one is a blog [Letters of Note] which posts up interesting letters from anyone really.
here are two that struck my fancy:
(1) Mark Twain's angry reply
(2) J.D. Salinger's refusal letter

{images from weheartit}