Wednesday, February 22, 2012

O. M. G.

So, the boy proposed. And I said hell yeah. (Honestly, I didn't expect him to ask so soon) Now we have a wedding to plan. After letting it sink in that I'm going to get married by the end of the year, I was all nerves and more nerves. I have to plan a wedding! And it has to be good! So I decided to get a Pinterest account to help me file in ideas in the form of photos for the wedding plans. Then I got carried away and started 'pinning' lots of other photos too. It's like a virtual happy place of dreams.

{sourced via Meet Me At Mikes}



Marthe said...

OMG Diane!!

Congratulations! :D:D

diane said...

Thank you kindly, Marthe! much love

Sylvia said...

I am really happy for you and your man. Trust it would be a wedding to remember :) I guess I will see you you Seremban if you are around. It is hard to keep track of people these days, feels like everyone is on taking a tangent from the ant line.

Congratulations once again!