I couldn't help but post about this. Last Friday was one of the best days of the year so far. I made a spontaneous decision to go watch a local band perform and I have to say, it was the best decision I've made in a long time. I went with weird-but-lovely Adeline (it's a compliment and you know it), because thanks to her I had the chance to go in the first place. Adeline drove - good idea. I gave a bit of directions - not so good idea. We ended up being caught in a nasty jam where Adeline was getting fidgety and I was feeling claustrophobic. But we managed to entertain each other til it cooled off and we arrived at KLPAC early. can you beat that? haha. The concert started a little late but that's normal :) it was worth the wait.
Anyways, we went to see and hear SevenCollar T-Shirt. And I have to admit that I've not really followed them and wasn't familiar with their songs. (I do however remember listening to 'Faith' on the radio). Until Friday. Now I feel like I'm a born-again Christian or whatever. I'm a fan. Period. And just to be a little more girly: I like the singer! and his hair!
OK that's done. This is my first time, ever, writing (or attempting to, anyway) about a concert by a local band. I'm quite proud about this. Bonus points for it being totally mind-blowing :)
The concert was called The Battle Protocol. And they really made you feel like you were in a battle, fighting the bad guys of pop. The singer Yuna also made an appearance for their acoustic session. Another important thing was that my lecturer, the coolness that is Justin Lim, was their keyboardist for the electro session! It was too good. And he also played this instrument called theremin. It's this super awesome instrument that doesn't look all that attractive but produces killer sounds. Electronic and high-pitched sounds. It was like home for me. Like what the world should be. Yes, I was impressed. I think I was too impressed that night. It was almost over-whelming.
Justin: Hey, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at some classical gig instead?
Me: *speechless* (followed by) *laughs*
I'm quite happy I've rediscovered a local band to listen to. And Yuna, omg, her voice is just too good. really good.

peace + love