Sunday, June 7, 2009

saturday night blues

yeah it's a saturday, but i have to say i did quite a lot compared to other saturdays i've come across..washed clothes (the usual), practiced some piano (not so usual..), blogging (not usual), fed dogs (rarely), went out for dinner with meena (not usual), spent time with grandparents (usual).
OK, it may not seem all that super, but i felt it was reasonable..i've accomplished worst than this thats for damn sure... anyways, as you know, sioky is goin to auckland to see the idiot kyle...ughhh...but there's nothing i can do..only be patient and really start saving up my money for travels..i just decided to set up a travel fund...put in money every month, maybe 100-200 bucks?? hopefully i can...and i plan to only use the fund after i imagine how much money i can get!! probably not enough still...but still!! at least i have some money right...
so today i had dinner with meensy :) at coffee mug oh gosh it's at such a dodgy area i'm thankful we came home safe...we had a nice talk, updating each other about our lives so was good :)
wanted to go to starbucks for coffee but realized it was too much of hassle and the place (Jusco) would be shit-packed with assholes who make it a point to ALWAYS go out on saturday nights we had coffee at coffeemug was ok...saved us like 50% of the usual price we yeah all in all, it was a well-to-do saturday..
nitey nitenite soldiers

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