(God knows who this seymour is, he just came to my mind...i just felt as if the title wouldn't be complete without a name..)
wow shiitake mushroom,(in the wise words of my treasured friend, Theresa) i did take my time to get back here huh..
i had like ...4 days of ultimate fun right after my final paper (Theory II, good riddance!!!!!)
first day, off to midvalley to chill with cousin Meens and watch (wait for it) He's Just Not That Into You (I know~!!!) gawd it got me thinking about lotsa things...scary...
and then we talked into the wee hours of the morn...
second day, off to bangsar for a nice pedi and walk around the boutiques..and then (finally) a peek into bangsar village 2 ;P and also a regular single scoop of baskin robbins ice cream(boysenberry something...) yummmm
3rd day, actually nuthin much just hung out with joe :) and watched a few movies..
4th and final day, off to midvalley again(!), had lunch in Gardens heheh...Zanmai Sushi...awesome place...totally wanna go back! walked around with my two very good friends Theresa and KaeTee :) oh Theresa spotted this woman with a nice short white dress, cotton definitely, and she could tell me what colour her undies were hahah..that was such a laugh it was so fun
anyways...thats what happened just so very recently...sorry, can't recall anything else as of yet...
oh a funny thing happened a while back, (jaykay day wooot) when joe and i were stuck at a mamak place because of the rain (i was with him riding) so yeah...there will always be some a**hole who starts smoking as we enjoy our nice cup of teh tarik...so joe calls the waitress (kak) and asks her, (translated) " isn't this place a non-smoking area? *points to the sign* why is he smoking here?"
and she said, (translated) "oh, that applies only to the workers here, the customers can smoke"
tell me about it, i almost burst out laughing...i think i just shoved it in by smiling like an idiot =)

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